The Natural Health Improvement Center

One and only Wellness Center serving the Southwest Chicago.

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Homepage Design

The top section of your new design features powerful humanimagery to quickly build trust with new visitors.

Designer notes
  • The title content is intentionally written to maximize your search engine ranking.
  • We've used a beautiful main image, typography, and green call-to-action button that perfectly matches the natural/wellness vibe of the whole website.
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WElcome message

In this section we highlight a short introduction of your practice specialties to help visitors learn about your business. 

Designer notes
  • Consistent colors, button styles, curved section separator are used through out the design to create a clean, professional and engaging user experience.
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Next, your new design highlights your primary services to quickly communicate your offerings to visitors.

Designer notes
  • Incorporated our proposed logo in your services section to build brand awareness.

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meet all doctors

This section serves as an introduction of all NHCIA doctors with acall-to-action button leading to your team page.

Designer notes
  • This section leads to another page that shows all of NCHIA doctors with their short biography and achievements.
  • A heartwarming image is placed at the right side of the section which also reflect your goals and how you treat your NHCIA patients. An attractive subtle wooden texture is applied to suit the nature-themed website and logo.
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A patient testimonial section is designed to build credibility with first-time visitors.

Designer notes
  • Typography is large and easy to read so users can quickly scan the content with large quote elements used to distinguish text as a patient testimony.
  • We use a 5-star element to visually communicate patient satisfaction.
  • Subtle background image that represents holistic life and consistent green and brown hues and button styles are used for this section.
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featured article

This section leads to all of NHCIA articles and resources that you'd like to share with your readers/visitors.

Designer notes
  • We continue to subtly integrate your new proposed logo with imagery to continue to reinforce your brand.
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contact information

A simple yet easy to read footer is a perfect addition to your website with a section separator that imitates the angles in your logo.

Designer notes
  • Intentionally simple footer with your office hours, a large logo to reinforce branding, a call-to-action button that encourages visitors to make an appointment, and your contact information.
  • Social media icons used to promote your other online assets.