The Sobey Law Firm, PC

Focusing on criminal defense & family law in Rural Retreat, Virginia.

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Homepage Design

The top section of your new design features an interior imagery to quickly build trust with new visitors.

Designer notes
  • The title content is intentionally written to maximize the search engine ranking. A call-to-action button is placed above the fold to be more effective.
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attorney introduction

In this section we highlight the attorney to build credibility and relationship for new visitors.

Designer notes
  • Consistent colors and button styles are used through out the design to create a clean, professional user experience.
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practice OF LAW

Next , the new designs highlights the proficiency on law firm.

Designer notes

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We've highlighted the two main services with interesting visual layout wherein we can add more services in the future.

Designer notes
  • Each highlighted services includes a call-to-action button to learn more.
  • We've incorporated our proposed logo in the services section to build brand awareness.
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customer testimonials

Testimonials section is designed to construct credibility for first-time visitors.

Designer notes
  • Typography is large and easy to read so users can quickly scan the content with large quote elements used to distinguish text as a patient testimony.
  • We use a 5-star element to visually communicate patient satisfaction.
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website footer

A simple footer with similar elements to the header tie it all together and reinforces the brand.

Designer notes
  • Intentionally simple, with a large logo to reinforce branding. Phone and appointment button used to help convert visitors to clients on every page.